This video provides a step-by-step guide on how to add a new contact in a CRM system, including filling out different sections such as title, name, group, campaign, rating, email, phone numbers, addresses, and additional notes.
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Check out how to review bounced emails and steps you can take. Also what happens if a client unsubscribes to an email. Did you know they have options and may not unsubscribe to all emails?
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This video provides a tutorial on how to group contacts in a CRM for better organization and management. It covers the steps to create groups, as well as how to assign contacts to a group or multiple groups.
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This video reviews the different ways of emailing contacts. It also reviews the difference of using the following fields: To, cc and bcc. It covers the importance of not using the To or cc field when emailing a group of people.
This video provides a step-by-step guide on how to import contacts into the VAC using a CSV file. It outlines the process of selecting the file, mapping the fields, handling duplicates, and importing the contacts into a group.
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See how easy it is to schedule and track property showings for clients. After the showings you can go back and add notes to remind you what clients liked and maybe didnt like.
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This video explains how to review the daily activity report, enable the daily activity report in your profile, and use the virtual agent center to manage tasks and stay in touch with clients.
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